Fair Bike" initiative in Upper Bavaria
Experience mountains together
The Upper Bavarian-wide Fair Bike initiative was launched in 2019 to avoid conflicts and raise awareness among all groups involved. The initiative, in cooperation with twelve Upper Bavarian tourism regions and towns, is aimed at mountain bikers and includes 15 rules of conduct written in Bavarian dialect that relate to the three groups of nature, hikers and groups working in the mountains. Under the motto "Experience the mountains together", the campaign aims to promote friendly, respectful and sustainable interaction with nature, hikers and other user groups in the mountains.

Experience mountains together
The information poster for the mountain bike version.

The campaign partners

Experience nature together
While the original focus was on the mountain bike community and therefore primarily on the Alpine regions in the south of Upper Bavaria, the campaign is now taking on a broader, more comprehensive direction with the start of the 2022 cycling season: under the motto "Experience nature together", the Fair Bike initiative is now also aimed at touring cyclists in all regions. After all, awareness of each other, mutual consideration and respect are also important away from the mountains.

Experience nature together
The information poster for the touring bike version.