Upper Bavaria
Real winter
Exactly our (season) time

Experience the real winter in Upper Bavaria

Oberbayern lädt dazu ein, dem Alltagstrott zu entfliehen. Hier gibt es zahlreiche Lichtblicke – beim Winterwandern, Radfahren, sanften Schneeaktivitäten, auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt, im Museum oder auf der Piste. Auch abseits des Schnees bietet Oberbayern viele Möglichkeiten, um die dunkle Jahreszeit mit Helligkeit und Wärme zu füllen.

Alles ist möglich, wenn du es willst – Oberbayern schenkt dir die Freiheit, den Winter ganz nach deinen Wünschen zu gestalten:

Winter stories from Upper Bavaria


Oberaudorfer Rundweg

Von Reutberg durch das Kirchseemoor ist der ideale Weg für Naturliebhaber und Genießer.
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Philosopher's path

Good history, good thoughts in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Famous philosophers accompany you on this relaxed walk through nature from Garmisch-Partenkirchen to Farchant.
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GAP Blick vom Wank Stoll

Curtain up for the Wank

Summit feelings without any stress. Winter hiking on the Wank offers unique views and great places to stop for refreshments.
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Winterlandschaft Kampenwand

Lots of snow and beautiful views

Right next to the mountain station on the Kampenwand begins a small, fine circular hiking trail with lots of winter romance and beautiful views ...
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Kramerplateauweg GAP

Germany's superstar firmly in sight

It is somewhat hidden, but that makes it particularly attractive. The Kramerplateau Trail is the perfect panoramic tour near Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
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Imperial lodge view in Chiemgau

The scenic cinema trails through the countryside offer quaint places to stop for refreshments, far-reaching views and peace and quiet from everyday life. Excursionists can enjoy ...
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Lights on on the sunny side of Garmisch

Lots of sun and beautiful views on the south side of the Wank with romantic mountain farms as your destination.
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Relaxed stroll in the Karwendel

Beautiful wide, open meadows, two romantic lakes and a Bavarian inn. This is what pleasure hiking in the Karwendel looks like.
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Film Winter

Film legends in Wallgau

A hike around Wallgau. This is not just any winter hiking trail, but a leisurely walk along the Magdalena Neuner Panorama Trail.
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Things to know for your winter vacation in Upper Bavaria