Altötting Christmas Market
© Altötting Tourist Office, Heiner Heine
Altötting - the "heart of Bavaria"
Altötting is the most famous Marian pilgrimage site in Germany. The historical and cultural background, the numerous museums and art treasures make a visit to the Bavarian national shrine well worthwhile.
Highlights of the town of Altötting
The destination for pilgrims and visitors is the "Black Mother of God" in the Chapel of Grace, in the middle of the baroque Kapellplatz. From May to October, large pilgrimages, festive church services and Saturday evening candlelight processions take place. Highlights of the pilgrimage year are the "Marian month" of May, the three-day Whitsun festival with the arrival of numerous groups of pilgrims on foot, the large Corpus Christi procession and the feast day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with an atmospheric candlelight procession on the evening before. Special sights for art lovers are the "Treasury with Pilgrimage Museum" with the famous "Golden Horse Inn", the Kilwing incense factory, the diorama show in the house of the Altöttinger Marienwerk and the monumental circular painting "Jerusalem Panorama Crucifixion of Christ". |