Upper Bavaria / Christoph Jorda
About us
The TOM e.V. introduces itself
Tourismus Oberbayern München e.V. - TOM e.V. for short - is the umbrella organization for tourism in Upper Bavaria. With over 43 million overnight stays and around 18 million guest arrivals in 2019, Upper Bavaria is one of the leading tourism regions in Europe. The coronavirus crisis was and is a major test for Upper Bavarian tourism - together we want to gradually regain this level of tourism and set a new strategic course wherever necessary. Among the approximately 70 members are almost all destinations or tourist district representatives, numerous cities and municipalities in Upper Bavaria as well as tourism-related associations and organizations. TOM e.V. represents the interests of its members and pursues the common goal of strengthening Upper Bavaria as a tourism location, increasing added value and appreciation and enhancing quality and innovative strength. Authentic, warm-hearted, close to home and proud - that is Upper Bavaria, Genuine Bavaria.